Pins & Tales is the quarterly digital newsletter of SAPFM, published in Adobe PDF format. Issues are sent to current members at the end of March, June, September and December with the latest listings of classes, events, news and articles on research, construction and finishing of historical forms of furniture. Members also have access to all previous issues of the quarterly. This is just one of the many benefits of SAPFM membership.

The SAPFM editorial team wishes you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year as we present the Winter issue of Pins & Tales

SAPFM PinsAndTales Winter 2024

In this issue we list the latest classes, chapter meetings and events of interest. If you are not yet a member of SAPFM scroll down to download a complimentary copy of this issue. Inside we announce the recipient of the 2025 Cartouche award. This award honors an individual with a lifetime of work inspiring others in the study, creation and appreciation of historical examples of American furniture. You will also find the date and location of our annual conference and we welcome new members who have joined in the last few months. If you want to be part of an active, growing group of people you can join us at this link. <> Our annual journal American Period Furniture has been mailed and if your copy has not arrived by January 15, 2025 email me for a replacement.

In this issue we feature what our members have been making, including a pair of tall case clocks with amazing inlay by Lee Henson and an inlaid box by Julian Peters from repurposed wood. Last but certainly not least is 2008 Cartouche recipient Alf Sharp, who shares his story of being called out of retirement to recreate intricately carved cabriole legs for a 19th century billiard table that was converted to a desk in the early 20th century. Alf’s job was to undo that unfortunate conversion and return the table to its original form. Josh Lane, furniture curator at Winterthur explores a cabinet from the late 18th century that was likely used on a ship involved in the slave trade. We also look at plans for growth at the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, Michigan. Luke Barnett tells his story and explains how his program is working to redefine a college education by enabling young woodworkers to become leaders in the shop and in their community.

Pins & Tales is one of the many benefits of SAPFM membership along with our website, meetings and annual journal, American Period Furniture. Make sure you spread the word about our society to your friends and neighbors, either in person or through social media. There are many folks out there who would enjoy our organization but aren’t aware of us yet. We need your help to increase awareness about us, the things we do and the fellowship among our members. If you haven’t joined yet, download this issue of Pins & Tales. That will give you a good look at who we are and what we do.

Our publications, events and chapter meetings all depend on members to share your efforts in making furniture and growing our organization. Make time to participate, volunteer and explore the numerous ways to give back. Every volunteer is important. Your local chapter always needs help planning, organizing and conducting meetings. If there isn’t an active chapter in your area, consider starting one or stepping up to revitalize one. If you want to get involved on any level there are numerous opportunities. What you receive from your SAPFM membership is directly related to what you contribute.

If you have an idea for an article for either of our publications get in touch with me to find out how easy it can be and how much it helps everyone in the organization when you share what you are working on.

-- Bob Lang, editor  

Not a SAPFM member? Why not consider joining today and gain access to this valuable reference.

    - Click here to see all of the benefits of membership.
    - Click here  to see an earlier Pins & Tales issue.